Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 12

This is my 12th day in hospital and I still haven't left the bed that I first laid on 12 days ago! So far those 'close shave' episodes seem to be getting more frequent. We've also noticed a trend in the contractions, they tend to worsen just before meal times and would last from a span of between 1 to 3 hours afterwards. I've resorted to taking my meals while lying reclined.. it certainly isn't the most comfortable position to eat your food (plus I'd end up dropping food all over myself) but I'd pick anything over contraction pains.

The plan now is to drag on until next week and my cervical stitch will be removed in preparation for when actual labour happens. Now the 2 things that are holding little bun in place are the stitch and salbutamol (not forgetting a very large dose of faith). I'd be happy to keep the stitch for another week or so, but the doctor is concerned that the contractions will cause my cervix to rupture and I was told that should that happen, I will have massive blood loss and permanent irreparable damage to my cervix. I have a feeling that once they take the stitch is out, labour will be imminent.

Dr Anu is still on medical leave (found out she caught pneumonia from a patient) but we have been exchanging text messages very frequently. Although she isn't feeling well, she's been keeping herself updated on my case and communicating with the nurses here as well as the doctor who is taking care of me in her absence. I've also been keeping her updated on my end and she's been so encouraging. Seems like she should be back to work next week and this is a news that I welcome! I'd really like for her to be the one to help me deliver little bun since she's been there right from the start. It just feels right for her to cross the 'finish line' with us.

Mark and I are immensely grateful for every extra day little bun stays 'in'. It's without doubt that little bun will arrive earlier than expected, but I just hope he/she will not have any health concerns and wouldn't need too long a stay in NICU.

Keeping the faith...

1 comment:

Patty said...

hoping all will go well as you work hard to keep the baby in.... you've come a long ways. May your two angels watch over you.