Thursday, September 1, 2011

... Finally satisfied...

Have I mentioned before that my sister is the best? She bought me my durian mooncake and I finally got my craving satisfied last night with a yummy little morsel of the durian mooncake (never mind the fact that I had to share it with Hershey). It was soooo darn good... each tiny nibble was like a piece of heaven, perhaps even yummier. Yes, according to my version of 'Heaven', it is not only the place where my Angels are waiting for me, but also a place filled with the expensive, high grade good-quality durians, and by that, I mean only 'Mao Shan Wang' which is otherwise nicknamed as the 'King of Durians'.

I 'inherited' my love for durians from my parents, who are avid durian-lovers. Strangely, my sister is the only one in the family who doesn't like durians (even both the dogs are crazy about durians). Basically my sis cannot tolerate its pungent smell. According to my mom, she had crazy cravings for durians when she was expecting my sister and indulged in a lot of it. Perhaps my sis had an 'overdose' of durians while she was still in mom's womb, hence turning her off this yummy fruit thereafter.

Each box originally comes with 2 pieces of the mooncake, but to prevent me from over-indulging (durians are very high in carbohydrates), my mom only brought one over to my place. It is better than nothing... me ain't complaining.

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