Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Gosh.. I am totally perplexed. When I last did my scan on the level of amniotic fluid (otherwise also referred to as AFI - Amniotic Fluid Index) on 26 Aug, my AFI was 16, which is in the normal range. When the same scan was done today, my AFI was only 8. For most of the duration of the pregnancy, Dr Anu and I have been worrying about me having too much amniotic fluid i.e. polyhydramnios but now it seems like I have to worry about oligohydramnios instead. I am at a loss and totally baffled by my body... super worried to say the least. If the level continues to dip, an induced early labour is in the horizon.

Having too much or too little amniotic fluid is not a good thing for little bun. The acceptable range is between 5-25, and clearly, I am bordering the lower end. I have been sent home with the advice to drink lots of water and to continue with my bedrest. I have also been told to monitor little bun's movements... ideally I should be recording at least 4 movements in the span of 3 hours. To be honest, because of my own paranoia, I have already been monitoring little bun's movements for the past few weeks. I try to take note of a movement periodically throughout the day, and if I feel that little bun has been too quiet, I'd proke and prod my tummy until I get some sort of a response. My poor baby... his/her sleep is regularly disrupted by this mean mom.

Due to my low AFI, they also decided to do an unscheduled growth scan for little bun to ensure that he/she is growing (cos a low AFI could be an indication that the baby is not growing or that there is a problem with the placenta function). I was so happy to learn that little bun now weighs around 1.7kg (during the last scan at 28 weeks, little bun's weight was 1.2kg). His/her size is right in the middle of the desired growth range. During the scan, we saw little bun's right hand gently curled up and resting on his/her face. It was a wonderful moment when I saw the chubby little fingers in 3D...

Trying hard to keep the faith going... it's wearisome riding this rollercoaster of emotions week after week, and having one thing after another to worry about. Stay safe, my little baby.

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