Monday, September 12, 2011

Mid-Autumn Festival 2011

I have been in hospital since Saturday morning due to preterm contractions. They are not the serious full-blown kind of contractions but nevertheless a cause for concern obviously as it could lead to preterm labour and dilating of my cervix, which CANNOT happen at this stage!! It's still too early for liitle bun to greet the world!!! Despite being given drugs round the clock to calm my uterus down (which also gave me servere heat palpitations), it seems like the contractions return once the dosage is reduced. Hence I've been under close observation for the past 2 days ever since I've been admitted.

This is not the way I'd envisioned spending Mid-Autumn Festival... I'd initially prepared some lanterns which I planned to light up tonight to hang at my balcony, one for each of my Angels, similar to what I'd done last year. So much for my plans. It does appear that I will have to remain in hospital for a while longer. Mark actually prefers that if possible, I should stay here for another 2 weeks so that there are professionals to look after little bun and I. I'm giving this option serious thought because much as I don't like to stay in the hospital, this seem to be the best option for now.

From now on, I'm happy for every additional day that passes uneventfully. If little bun can stay put for another fortnight or more, it'd certainly make a big difference in his/her health at birth, and this is exactly what the doctors and us are trying to achieve.

Prayers and good thoughts will be appreciated.

HAPPY MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL to my darling Angels... Daddy & Mummy loves you.



Jann Ng said...

please be good and stay if you have too..there will be professional help at hand..praying for you to stay well and little bun to be guai guai..


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Stay put Shane ! I know you don't like being in hospital - but it will be the absolutely best place for you right now.

I feel like I am "living" this journey with you - checking in on you every day. Feeling relief when things are going well - getting stressed when setbacks occur. You are not doing my blood pressure any favours sweetie ! :)

Crossing everything for 2 more weeks (at least).

Thinking of you and Mark - as always.
