Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mark had been nursing a cold for the past 5 days, but because of a hectic work schedule, he hasn't been able to go to a doctor. Finally this morning, he couldn't take the sniffling and coughing any longer and went to the clinic. Rather glad that I have him home with me today :)

For the past 3 weeks, my mom and an aunt have been coming over daily to take care of me, bring me food and ensure that I don't do anything 'funny' (i.e. walk around or do housework) while Mark is at work. While I feel bad troubling them, at the same time I am so glad to have them come by tirelessly everyday because not only do they take care of my meals, but they also help out with some of the housework. I think Hershey is happy for the additional company too!!

My mom will accompany me for my check-up tomorrow since Mark will be at work. I am usually nervous before my weekly check-ups, but this time, I am even more nervy than usual. Really hope the results of little bun's growth scan will turn out fine. Despite Dr Anu's reassurances, I am still rather bothered by my lack of weight gain. For at least 6 weeks now, my weight has remained the same at 61kg, meaning I have only gained no more than 5kg throughout the pregnancy so far. While my belly is visible, it is still very compact. The average pregnancy weight gain should range between 10kg to 16kg, and I am not even at the halfway point!!

Hmmm... I hope it's just me being the worry wart that I am and worrying unnecessarily. Please let little bun be thriving well inside my tummy.

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