Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Went for my ultrasound scan again this morning (2nd one for this cycle). It's already Day 15 but yet, no egg follicles in sight (a normal person would have some follicles around Day 12). The doctor decided that we will embark on a new regime for the next cycle since the oral pills don't seem to be having much of an effect on me. For the next cycle, we will combine the FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormones) injections plus the oral pills. The injections are not something new to me... I conceived Chloe after 4 months of injections. I am not exactly looking forward to getting those injections because they hurt a lot more than a regular jab... something about the medicine being 'oil-based'.

My lucky husband will again have the honour and pleasure of administering the injections to my belly, as he had done previously. I am hoping that the combination of pills and injections will yield better results than taking the pills alone.

I don't have to go back for any more scans for the rest of this cycle... guess it is another 'wasted cycle', unless of cos if I do fall pregnant by some miracle. Since I will be travelling right around the time of my expected ovulation (Day 20-Day 22), it seems like a long shot.

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