Monday, June 21, 2010

17 June 2010

I was on my way to London last night, and when I looked out of the window from the plane, the sky was the most beautiful I have ever seen... Zillions of twinkling stars were peppered across the velvety black skies and it was so beautiful I was admiring it for a long time. I spoke to my 2 Angels too... for some reason, I always feel closer to them whenever I am up in the air.

Ok, back to my topic for today... I meant to share what Mark and I got for Lucas on his anniversary last week, but have been so caught up with other things that I haven't done it. That evening after work, we went to 'Build a Bear' and 'built' a bear for Lucas (we also made one for Chloe since her anniversary is in 3 day's time).

I was 'in-charge' of Lucas' bear, and selected his outfit based on what I would dress my little boy in if he was here with us today. Overall, I am rather pleased with the end result, and hope that my little boy will approve of it too. (Mark was 'in-charge' of his little princess' outfit... and he got pretty carried away while trying to accessorise her bear. I will share the photos of Chloe's bear on her anniversary).

That night, we lit a scented candle for him in our bedroom.

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