Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Sign from our Princess

Two nights ago as Mark and I were lying in bed and getting ready to sleep, we had our usual pillow talk and he confided in me that he doesn't feel our Angels' presence, especially that of Chloe, of late. Somehow, Mark seems to have a stronger bond with Chloe and he is usually the one experiencing the 'signs' from her. Coincidentally, this is also something that I had been feeling but never mentioned to anyone because it seems rather silly.

This conversation brought about a lot of mixed feelings in both of us... On one hand, we are happy that they have gone off to be reincarnated, this time hopefully to a mom who is capable of carrying them to term and giving them the chance life that they deserve. If this is the case, I hope they are both born to good families and showered with more love than they can ever imagine in order to make up for what I put them through in this lifetime. On the other hand, we feel a pang of sadness because they have left us and are no longer by our side.

Before I drifted off to sleep, I asked them for a sign from them to let me know if they are still around.
Today, I went over to my parent's place during the day as a matter of habit, I turned on the radio in the bathroom. Ever since our teenage days, my sister (who I shared the bathroom with) and I have had this radio in there and it is permanently tuned to a local Chinese station. Although I don't normally listen to Mandarin songs, I didn't bother to change stations. Just as I was almost done with my shower, I heard it... they were playing Chloe's song on a Chinese station!!

Coincidence or a sign from above??

*** Dearest Chloe,

Thank you for sending us the sign, Mummy got your message loud and clear. We know that you are still here around us. Daddy wants me to let you know that he misses you so very much every single day. If you have Lucas with you, please tell him that we love him heaps too. We will keep the both of you deep in our hearts and lodged in our minds now and forever.

With lots of tears and heartache,
Mummy (and Daddy too)

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