Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fortunately the dinner that I prepared for our friends last night turned out ok (read: edible). Starter was oyster soup with truffle oil and for the mains, everyone else except me had chicken chop with herbs & lamb chop with mint sauce. I only had chicken cos I don't take lamb...

Preparation for the dinner was what I'd call 'organised chaos', and the washing and cleaning up afterwards was another nightmare. Overall it was a really great evening catching up on the good old uni days as well as the current situation of each other's lives. One of our friend is currently a practicing obstetrician and gynaecologist in a Melbourne hospital and I had been updating him on my fertility program and seeking (free) advice from him. Before he left, he gave me some useful advice and a lot of encouragement. We had all agreed that our next gathering will be in Melbourne mid of next year... I am so looking forward to it because I do miss Melbourne a lot.

During the dinner, I received a message from Dr Anu that my levels are now back in the 'normal', i.e. non-pregnant range. I'll take a break this cycle and probably start again Jan/ Feb 2011. I still find it hard to believe that 2010 is nearing its end and 2011 has crept up on me so quickly... it's a stark reminder that 2010 is yet another with zilch achievements for me.

Oh and something else which I forgot to include in yesterday's blog... After our massive fight on Sunday, Mark sent me a lovely bouquet of peach roses on Monday. I was very surprised and of course touched beyond words... Looking back at the whole episode now, it was my fault as much as his, and we both played a part in 'fanning the flames'.

No doubt that we still have many 'unresolved issues', but I think I'd like to park them for now (and hope that somehow they miraculously disappear). It may be 'avoidance', but I really do not like to fight with Mark cos in the end, it is a lose-lose situation where I end up hurting him and being hurt myself.

1 comment:

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Melbourne next year ? You had better come and visit us :)

Still hoping to get to Singapore in March/April - just depends on Greg's work situation, and the $$ situation.

You and Mark are under so much stress at the moment - it is natural that arguments will occur. Be kind to each other - and be kind to yourself.

Much love,
