Friday, February 26, 2010

Counting down reluctantly to my short trip on Sunday evening. Not looking forward to:

  • Being away from my 'comfort zone'
  • Being apart from Mark
  • Sleeping alone
  • Not having Hershey around to make me laugh/ cry and happy/ angry
  • Wasting time in airports, airplanes, etc...
  • Stuck in economy class for 7 hours (but at least it's Singapore Airlines)
  • Work piling up whilst I am away (and then having to work doubly hard to clear the backlog when I return)

I am seriously begining to think that I am in the wrong industry/ profession. How can someone working the travel industry be so hung-up about travelling? Moreover I don't sleep well in a new environment, especially if alone... so to add to the above list, there will be 3 sleepless nights for me.

The one thing to thank for is that I should have ovulated before I have to leave for this trip... otherwise, it is another reason for me to dislike my job. To be fair, I have not made one single business trip in 2009, largely due to my pregnancy and the subsequent loss of it.

With more upcoming projects headed my way for 2010, it's inevitable that there'll be more trips ahead. I am seriously considering if I should get a less stressful job that does not require any travelling... and late night conference calls with folks in other time zones. Just had a conference call marathon last evening and was totally drained.

If I do get pregnant eventually, should I quit this job and just focus on the baby? Can I get another job that can pay me the same wage? Will quitting this job make any difference to the outcome of the next pregnancy?

1 comment:

closet_schizo said...

It'll depend on your priorities... What matters to you...?