Friday, April 9, 2010

I am so thankful that the weekend is only a few more hours away... I am tempted to book the BBQ pit downstairs for tomorrow evening, but am of two minds because I may feel like it now, but I may change my mind later. And then there is all the grocery shopping and marinating to do beforehand. This is how I am nowadays, very fickle-minded.

Another example of my fickle-mindedness... I am due for an appointment with my psychiatrist soon, but I am wondering if I should go as planned. I guess I am now riding on the crest of the 'high' part of my mood cycle, so I feel that I am 'okay' and I can manage... Moreover, I have been inundated with work lately and most other thoughts are pushed aside. My worry is it'd take another 4-6 weeks to book an appointment with the psychiatrist, so what should I do if the slumps return and I get all depressed and sad after I cancel the appointment?

I have another trip to Taipei coming up, so if it clashes with the appointment, then I guess it'd solve my problem for me cos I'd have no choice but to cancel it. Honestly, sometimes not having a choice is the best thing.

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