Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Melbourne 2013 - Day 7

We decided to go to the Melbourne Zoo today.. Initially we were of two minds cos we weren't sure if little bun would enjoy the zoo. Plus we have been told that the Singapore Zoo is world class and much nicer, hence we were contemplating if we should spend money and time going to the Melbourne Zoo. It is a good thing we made the decision to give it a go.. 

I have been to Singapore Zoo many times in the past couple of years and have enjoyed myself.. but I think Melbourne Zoo beats it by a cat's whisker in terms of expanse of space and landscaping. It just feels more natural, the animals look happier (no, I am no animal psychic) and more importantly, there is no crazy crowds jostling at every exhibit/ enclosure. We took our time to look at the animals and point them out to little bun. The best part was the cool weather made it feel like you are walking in an air-conditioned zoo!! I am glad we went cos little bun had a blast running around the wide open space (chasing more birds) and pointing out the animals. 

The first place we visited in the zoo was the reptile house (ewww...). Snakes, lizards and other creepy crawlies aren't my cup of tea, but it was located closest to the entrance so it ended up being our first stop. 

I have a distinct dislike for lizards, but this fella looks rather majestic sunbathing in his enclosure.

Little bun's 'Mr Frog' tagged along with us to the zoo.. Maybe he has family there and wanted to visit them

Majestic looking lions chilling out in their fenced enclosure

I saw this cute paw prints right outside the lions enclosure!! 

Father and son checking out the giraffes and zebras

Mother and son with zebras grazing in the background 

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