Friday, September 13, 2013

Little Bun #2 is 6 Months Old!!

Deareat Ayden,

Happy 6 months to the most cheerful baby ever! You make waking up in the morning something I look forward to cos every single morning without fail, I get rewarded by your cheery grin. Just like your daddy, you are clearly a early bird cos you wake up all bright eyed and bushy tailed (very unlike mommy and your big brother). 

In the last 2 weeks have been very eventful for you. You can now sit upright for short periods without support (before losing your balance and toppling sideways), and you are making quick progress on crawling!! You are also a keen observer of your surroundings. We have started you on solid food and you welcome it with a wide open mouth, especially bananas!! Looking forward to preparing and exploring different types of food with you.

Happy 6 months, little boy.. 

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