Thursday, June 20, 2013

Little bun had a play date with our neighbours upstairs.. Their little girl, Faith, is a couple of months older than little bun. She turned 2 years old on Monday and they invited us over for the cake cutting. Our 2 families have been hanging out quite a fair bit.. breakfast, dinner, etc. We get along pretty well with Faith's parents (same age group) and it's really nice that the kiddos can have play dates frequently (plus it is so convenient.. just a lift ride away!!). 

Faith's mummy recently found out that she is expecting and the baby will be due early next year, so it's kind of exciting that our little ones are all very close in age. Also, I know who I can pass on little bun #2's barely worn baby clothes to (since he had outgrown most of them before he's got a chance to wear them..). 

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