Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It feels rather strange... now there is no need to wake up early to dress and go to work; no more early morning and late night conference calls; no need to rush to office or back home to take conference calls; no more calling up different countries to chase for information; no need to travel; no need to rush for deadlines, etc... All of a sudden, a large part of my life is missing.

It's not that I am complaining about it, just that the feeling takes some getting used to. Since this is only day 2 of my self-imposed break, the sudden lack of 'things that needs to be done' is quite refreshing. I just hope that I don't get overly bored.

To be honest, I am missing my colleagues already. Many of them have worked with me for many years, and we have done many projects and braved many storms together. Many of them have sent me emails after receiving news of my rather sudden departure. Many of the emails touched me so much that they made me cry. I would never have thought that some of my 'tough' male colleagues who appear uber cool at work are capable of writing such poignant emails.

Now that the die has been cast, I can only look forward now and remember the at the past with much fondness. I do hope to take this break to find my old self. I miss the old me, and I think Mark does too.

1 comment:

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

I can help fill in some of your time with my Singapore trip planning :)
