Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hershey Update 1

It's day 2 post surgery and my poor Hershey girl is still out of sorts. Although she seems to be improving, she is still rather lethargic and listless, always lying down and doesn't seem to be very interested in the surroundings.

I've literally been keeping an eye on her most of the time and boiling chicken porridge for her twice a day. The one consolation is at least she's sleeping, eating, peeing and pooping well...

The night after we brought her home:
Gave her a new toy but she was hardly interested and that's one fortunate cow cos till today, it is still intact. Had this been given to her during her 'normal' days, the cow would have it's innards out by now.

The day after surgery:
She seems to hate her e-collar and was really uncomfortable with it on, so we removed it for her since I was keeping an eagle eye on her just to make sure she does not attempt to lick her wound. Still grouchy and very 'un-Hershey-like'.

Day 2 post surgery:
Still feeling sorry for herself and probably wondering why we did what we did to her.

Huskee gave her a 'Get Well' gift, but she was hardly showed any interest in it... Will save it for her for another day.

At least her favourite treat garnered a wee bit of interest.

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