Wednesday, January 2, 2013

We spent New Year's Day 2013 with an early breakfast outing cos little bun woke up at 5am. The Lee Family had an early night the day before.. we were all in bed and asleep by 10pm. So much for wanting to watch the countdown.. **snigger**. Since we were up early, Mark decided to venture to a new place (I suppose it must be one of his New Year resolutions cos the both of us are creatures of habit and rarely try anything new). 

Oooh my, the food was surprisingly and amazingly yummy (though a tad pricey). Reminded me of the good ol' breakfast that we used to have at those little cafes during our uni days in Melbourne. Ahhhh.. what a wonderful way to kick start the year!! 

They have a wide assortment of muffins, scones, cupcakes, tarts, etc... I think I had a sugar rush just looking and sniffing the aroma!!

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