Monday, January 7, 2013

We made an unplanned visit back to Mark's home in Malaysia last Saturday. It was great timing because Mark's cousin from Australia happen to be back visiting as well with her 3 kids. We rarely get to see them and it's the first time we've seen her youngest child, who is already 2 and-a-half years old. 

Anyway, we took this rare opportunity to take a photo of Mark's grandma with 8 of her great grand-children (another 3 are missing from the photo). It took us a while to get all the kids organized and have a somewhat decent photo taken.  There was a lot of noise, a lot of chaos, but also a lot of fun. 4 generations under one roof, with the oldest at 92 years old and the youngest at 1 month old (not counting the 2 babies who will be arriving into the family within the next 4 months). 

Little bun was (surprisingly) well-behaved on that day... he played with the younger kids and allowed everyone/ anyone to hold him. Fussing was minimal, non-existent in fact, and he ate like a champion. He made Mark and I so pleased cos everyone was commenting what a good boy he is. (*Note: then he took 'revenge' and became 'cranky bun' yesterday).

Oh and he walked more than 8 steps on his own too.. stupidly we didn't record it on video!! Woohoooo... it should be anytime now that he starts becoming more confident with walking without holding onto our hands/ furniture. Admittedly, Mark and I do spoil him by carrying him around a lot, hence he has no real motivation to want to walk on his own. But well, I do agree with what my aunt said to me before.. she said once he learns how to walk on his own, he wouldn't want us to carry him any more, so I might as well stretch and enjoy the time he is wants us to carry him!

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