Friday, January 18, 2013

Little Bun is 15 Months Old!!

Today marks the '1 month anniversary' of my cerclage and more importantly, it is also the day my champion turns 15 months old!! 

Message to my cervix: Please, please remain status quo for as long as you can.. Please, please do not have any reaction to the stitch that was put in a month ago. 


Dear Little Bun,

Happy 15 Months!! You have brought an incredible amount of indescribable joy into Daddy and Mommy's lives ever since the moment you made your grand entrance 15 months ago. We love watching you grow and meeting all your milestones... You have started to develop your own little character and voicing/ showing your likes and dislikes. You point to the things that you want with a 'wah' (??) and you shake your head vehemently when you have had enough to eat. Your current favourite song/ MTV is 'Gangnam Style' (no thanks to Daddy's bad influence) on your iPad mini, and you have started walking steadily unaided. 

In case you are not aware, I still sneak you kisses on your head/ forehead/ cheeks when you are sound asleep and I cannot enough of sniffing your unique baby scent. I love looking at your long eyelashes and rather flat nose (according to Daddy, you got your flat nose from Mommy). You have this really impish look and mischievous grin when you are up to no good.

Every moment spent with you is a moment we treasure. We love you so very, very much.

Daddy and Mommy

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