Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Little Bun's 3rd Vaccination

Took little bun for his 3rd (and last!!) vaccination!! There is only 1 injection this round (there were 2 for the 2 earlier jabs) but it still broke my heart to see his innocent little smile suddenly drawn down into a pout and then full-blown wailing. The wailing didn't last long fortunately, but my long-winded little bun was grumbling and complaining loudly in his baby language for a long time. The other people who were in the waiting area were all smiling and a lady even commented that '"Ahh, he is very unhappy with the nurse, must be scolding her!" Heeheehee.. my little man is certainly one who tells you what he thinks!

I texted Dr Anu while we were in the clinic and told her that we were around. She came by to say "hi" to the little life whom she played a big part to bring into this world, and she spent some time playing with little bun and catching up with me. She commented that little bun is a spitting image of his daddy (Daddy: 329 Mummy:0). Boy, I really miss talking to her and seeing her kindly face! Dr Anu asked little bun to 'ask daddy and mommy for a little brother or sister'. (This message was promptly relayed to Mark although he feigned ignorance).

Before we parted ways, she told me she is very happy to see the glow of motherhood on my face and that Mark and I are so happy now that we have little bun in our lives. She also added that it is stories like mine that makes all the long and erractic hours that she puts in at work worth it.

Hmmm.. I suddenly have a strong urge to heed Dr Anu's advice and try for another little one again! (No, this doesn't have anything to do with the sad fact that I will be rejoining the rat race coming Tuesday). Sighhhhh..... Ok who am I trying to kid??

My slightly feverish little boy on the night of the injection. He is wearing one of his 2 brand new pyjamas that was given to him by one of my doggie friends in the US (it's got doggies all over it!!). He's such a lucky little boy with so many nice clothes given to him by my friends from around the world!

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