Sunday, March 18, 2012

Little Bun is 5 Months Old!!

My little man is 5 months old!! He's getting cuter, bigger, noiser and much more interactive as the days go by. Where is that tiny 3kg infant that I brought home 5 months ago??! I am happy that I have managed to exclusively breastfeed him till now. Initially I didn't think I'd last more than 3 months, but I did! Hoping that I can keep it going till he is at least 6 months. It'd be rather difficult once I start work (yup, I am starting work soon.. more details another time) in April.

Little bun celebrating this little milestone with Daddy... Daddy with a pint of beer and little bun, well, with mummy's milk!

We also marked this day with our very first family 'art project'. Actually we had bought the canvas/paint for a while but just didn't had the chance to do it. It was very fun, and VERY messy. It didn't occur to either of us that at this age, little bun prefers to clench his fist more than spreading it open for us to do the imprint! Overall, I am really pleased with the end result, though it'd have been better if there was enough space to include Huskee and Hershey's paw prints too.

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