Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I have been 'cheating' a fair number of people for lunches/ dinners lately from ex-colleagues to long-lost friends... It feels good actually because my time now is spent doing things that I WANT to do and being with people whom I WANT to be with, rather than doing things that I HAVE to do and meeting people whom I HAVE to meet. I can finally say that for once, my time is now in my own hands, and I have regained some semblance of 'control' over my life.

The part of my life that I still do not (and probably never will) have control over is my quest to have a baby. Day 12 and counting... with crossed fingers.

1 comment:

FroggyCheesecake said...

Can't help but teared when I read your blog...everything not just the scars from scratch marks and your unfortunate losses.
I had two miscarriages (the second pregnancy was to be a baby girl that my DH had always preferred) and can empathize with you on your pregnancy journey and losses. I, like you, have resigned from a challenging job to stay home FT to work on baby-making dreams.
Keep the spirits up and you will find at the end of the tunnel THE GIFT OF LIFE FROM ABOVE.