Recently an ex-colleague cum good friend told me about 2 rumours that had been circulated about me back at my old workplace. She was upset for me because she knew that they are all untrue.
According to rumour #1, I quit so suddenly because I found out that I am pregnant and wanted stop work to rest. This is certainly untrue, but I wouldn't have minded if it's the case... unfortunately, I am 200% certain that when I left my job, I definitely wasn't pregnant. After being on a fertility program for so many months, I have mastered my own cycle well. I left my job on 15 Oct and the ovulation date was 28 Oct, how to be pregnant??
Rumour #2 is a rather ridiculous one... I wonder how it came about. According to this rumour, I have been undergoing numerous IVF treatments and they have not been successful. Hence I wanted to quit so that I can concentrate full-time on baby-making. Ok whatever... I guess to the layman, 'fertility program' equates only to IVF. Many people do not realize that there are so many facets to it, Clomiphene, FSH, IUI, IVF (and possibly heaps more that I don't know about).
Frankly, they are really no big deal and I don't really care about what's being said, but what I am curious about is who started these rumours.
To set records straight, the main reason (70%) why I quit my job so suddenly is simply because I have had enough of it... enough of travelling/ city-hopping, enough of early morning/ late night conference calls, enough of solving problems for other people, enough of cleaning up other people's sh*t, enough of office politics...
As for the remaining 30%, it's because I badly need a break from the rat race, and I need to find my focus, relook at my purpose in life and what I want out from it. And if this 'break' relaxes my body and mind enough for me to conceive, then it'd be an added bonus; the icing on the cake.
Ok, rant over. I've said my peace.