Friday, January 1, 2010

First Post of 2010...

New Year's Eve came and went... spent the countdown at a friend's house and toasted to the end of 2009 and the begining of 2010 with a glass of wine. Went home in the wee hours, showered and dozed off watching 'Runaway Bride'.

We had a group of friends over at our place for BBQ dinner on New Year's Day and it was great fun... Mark pulled a weird stunt on a friend and the poor bloke ended up with beer pouring in (or out??) of his nostrils. I also invited Amanda and her family over as I wanted Mark to meet them. The highlight of the day for me was that I carried Amanda and rocked her to sleep! I think I really need to exercise more cos I ended up with achy arms the next day... Little Amanda is such a sweetie, I wish I could have held her forever. When I was holding her and rocking her to sleep, I wondered if it was how Chloe would have felt like... would Chloe also have the same baby scent?

According to Amanda's mummy, there is an old wive's belief that for people who want to conceive, holding a newborn baby will bring baby dust, hence she had me hold onto Amanda for quite a while. I sure hope it works!! This is the first time I have held another baby in my arms since 26 June 2009, where I held Chloe for the first and also the last time. I had a lot of emotions inside me at that time... the one that was most acute and obvious was a sense of longing, followed by a sense of loss.

2010... I wonder what the new year will bring.

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