Monday, January 18, 2010

Proud Mummy

After learning about my friend's dog's death last week, Mark and I vowed to spend more time with Hershey cos we both felt that we have somewhat neglected her in the last 6 months after we lost Chloe. I guess we were too preoccupied with our loss and the subsequent grieving process that we did not pay her as much attention as we previously did. We have also not taken her to the doggie park for a really long time. This was something that we used to do a lot last time, and it was also one of the last activities that we did together with Chloe.

Mark still has a video of me with my buldging tummy walking (waddling??) in the park with Hershey... and I can still remember how I sat in the car on the way to the park with Hershey trampling over me in her puppy eagerness. I used to say to Hershey that she is causing 'turbulence' to Chloe and when Chloe is big enough, she will seek 'revenge' on Hershey. Those are certainly treasured memories of our short time with Chloe.

We took Hershey to the park early Sunday morning cos she had a play-date with Chow Chow, Amanda's 'brother'. Cute little Amanda was lying in her stroller enjoying the breeze and basking in the attention of some of the other doggies' owners. Overall it was a great morning because Hershey made me so proud of her (for once!!). She obeyed every command and was so well-behaved during the 2 hours we were there. Someone even asked me whom we sent her to for her training! LOL... she didn't have any professional training at all. Mark and I trained her ourselves! Another lady commented on her glossy coat and asked me what I did... I guess it could be the salmon oil. Ahhh... Hershey made me feel like a proud mother!

The only regret I had was that like Amanda's mommy who was pushing Amanda's stroller, I should also have been pushing Chloe along in her own stroller. On top of watching Chow Chow and Hershey play together, it'd have been very nice to also watch Amanda and Chloe play together. I am sure Chloe would have made me a very proud mummy too...

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