Monday, February 3, 2014

Didn't have a very auspicious start to the Year of the Horse. In fact, it was awful. I caught a cold before the eve of the Lunar New Year and it dragged on into the holidays. And then of cos little bun had to catch the bug from me and he was one crabby bun. Both of us sneezed and wheezed our way through the New Year and just as we were beginning to recover, Den-den caught the &^%$#@% bug!! Because we were unwell, we tried to stay at home during the holidays and we drove each other insane. The boys were unwell and lethargic and needy and grumpy (list goes on).. and Mark and I were equally frustrated. 

Let's just say the year did not begin on a very good note for us and we were all glad to go back to work when the holidays ended. 

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