Monday, October 21, 2013

To my dearest husband,

Today marks the day where we have officially been 'Mr and Mrs' for a decade!! You deserve to give yourself a pat (or maybe even 2) on the back for putting up with me for so long (and yet still remaining sane). 

These 10 years have been nothing short of eventful, and filled with one too many roller coaster rides. However, I am very glad that it was your hand that I was holding on to throughout the roller coaster ride, and you did not let go of my hand even once, no matter how difficult it got sometimes. In fact, when things got tougher, you held on even tighter.

Happy 10th Anniversary to the man who swept me off my feet, the man who stole my heart, the man that makes my heart flutter, and the man who puts butterflies in my stomach when he's around, the man who makes me laugh even when skies are grey, the man whom I can always depend on, and most importantly, the father of my children.

From your ever loving wife.

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