Monday, October 7, 2013

Bali Trip - 2013

Why does it take so long to plan and prepare for a vacation, but it is over before you know it? I guess this the Bali trip will be our last vacation for 2013. For our next vacation (no idea where and when), little bun #2 will definitely be coming with us. 

Little bun yelling "airplane" excitedly over and over again. I guess after our Melbourne trip, he knows that airplanes = going somewhere nice and fun.

Getting restless while waiting to board..

Father and son doing the exact same thing once we stepped into the hotel room!!

The view from the patio of our room.. I like how blue the sky is, how white the clouds are and how green the plants look. Being on holiday puts anyone in a good mood!

 Little bun and his daddy chilling out at the lobby deck. The hotel's lobby has a magnificent view of the beach and horizon.

The view at dusk...

 And the view in the morning

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