Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This little boy is getting more mischievous by the minute.. He is fast changing from my sweet and placid baby to a very active and always on the move little boy. He is a champion crawler and we cannot leave him unattended even for a single minute.. Nothing is safe from him, including Hershey's tail. He can now support his own weight and it'll be a matter of weeks before he starts cruising with the aid of furniture. He's definitely ahead of little bun in terms of motor skills.. he's sitting on his own without support and crawling just before he turned 7 months, able to support his own weight before he reaches 8 months.. 

It amazes and baffles me how vastly different my boys are even at this tender age.. Kyran is the gentler, milder and needier one (and more whinny too) whereas Ayden is the sturdier/ hardier one who hardly ever cries or even let out a whimper (to be honest, I think he cries less than 3 times a week.. actually even less!). He is go-getter and when he wants something, he just tries to get it on his own.. Kyran would simply point and yell for one of us to get it for him. 

I wouldn't bat an eye if Ayden ends up assuming the 'big brother' role when they grow up.. seriously wouldn't surprise me one tiny bit! Watch this space!! 

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