Monday, July 5, 2010


It seems rather odd, but I have started seeing 111 or 1111 a lot in the past few months without looking out for it intentionally. I keep reminding myself that it is just purely coincidental, but it's happening at a regularity which I find pretty absurd (at least 2-3 times a week).
Most often, it is on the clock, either 11:11 or 1:11... but I have also spotted them on car license plate, receipts, etc.

I have read something about such signs from one of the many Angel books that I have browsed at Kinokuniya, but couldn't remember exactly what it meant. This afternoon I looked at the clock on my laptop and it was '1:11'... Almost immediately after that, I saw a Facebook message posted by a friend that says that he is also experiencing the whole '1111' syndrome!! Thought this is too much of a coincidence, so I went to Google (what's new??) it up.
Here's what my search uncovered:

If what it says is true, I am eagerly anticipating for my 'golden opportunity' to come and for my goals to manifest asap.

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