Thursday, July 11, 2013

Little bun and his god-sister aka my god-daughter, Rynnae!! 

While she is only 10 months older than he is, she behaves like a real big sister!! She is always looking out for little bun (who sadly, wasn't very appreciative of her good intentions!!) and allows him to share her toys and take away her treats. When he was cranky (naptime), she promptly handed his favourite toy over to Mark (who was carrying the cranky bun). Such a little sweetheart.. and she is getting prettier by the day too!

For us adults, it was so funny watching the two of them toddling around the house, talking baby talk and gesticulating wildly... I suppose only they can understand each other! 

The Lee Family's version of 'The Fantastic Four' (mini edition). The 2 elder ones are born 10 months apart in 2011, and the 2 younger ones are born 2 months apart in 2013. When the 2 little ones start running around in another year's time, the 4 of them will be a force to reckon with... There  will be chaos in the house when the four are together and no adults will be spared! LOL!!

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