Sunday, July 7, 2013

And so we start a brand new school term... We managed to changed little bun to an earlier class at 9am (previously it was at 11.30 am, which clashed with his nap time) and this worked out so much better for him. He was happy and alert throughout the class, and the kids in this class were closer to his age group than the previous class. Most of them were around 2 years old, give and take a couple of months, whereas the previous class had more kids who were around 3 years old. Another plus point is that the class size is smaller too, so it's less rowdy/ chaotic!! 

Happy to see that my little champ is happy to be back in class after a month long break. This time round, he displayed a lot more confidence (just check out how he happily plopped himself right in front of the class/ teacher!!). Previously he would rather sit on daddy's lap.

This is his favourite toy in the school.. never fails to make a beeline for it when class is out!

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