Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How did I manage to reach the last day of 2014 with my sanity still intact amazes me!!  **gives myself 2 pats on the back**. 

This has been one crazily hectic and chaotic year trying to keep the delicate balance between work and family (plus finding out that we are expecting #3 midway through the year). All along, I have read many articles giving much credit to full time stay at home moms and how much they go through/ have sacrificed, but I think (pregnant) full time working moms without household help should be given due credit too. Perhaps even more. Basically I have no personal/ alone time as the entire waking part of the day and all weekends are consumed either by work and/or family and/or housework. Sometimes during a rare quiet moment, Mark and I will hold hands and ponder 'how did we manage to do it?'. Honestly, I am really proud how much we have achieved and how far we have come.. and how I have not caved in to getting a helper despite Mark's constant talk about hiring domestic help. Much as I'd like more time to myself and be able to take a breather now and then, I enjoy every moment that I spend with the boys and I know they are growing up fast, so I want to be as invovled in their lives as I possibly can while they are still little (and before #3 comes along).

Every now and then, I may moan and groan about being tired and not getting enough sleep, but overall, 2014 has been a rewarding and fulfilling year for me. I wouldn't want to change this for anything else. Counting down excitedly for #3 to join our family... fingers crossed that labour will be smooth like the last 2 times and baby will be happy and healthy.

Happy 2015 from the Lee's... May the new year be more rewarding and fulfilling than the last one!!

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