Monday, December 10, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

Since 2008, Mark had been asking to have a Christmas tree at home. Unfortunately this 'wish' of his did not materialize because I didn't see any reason why we should have a tree at home when there's only the 2 of us (plus Hershey) staring at it (probably without much enthusiasm and appreciation on my part too). Somewhere along the years of us trying  for (and losing) babies, Mark vowed that once we have our baby, he will get a tree regardless of what I think. (Frankly, I was concerned about the lack of space in our pigeon-hole sized apartment, PLUS the space to store the tree and all the ornaments for the remaining 11 months). I'd also much prefer a real tree cos I love the scent, BUT I don't want the part of cleaning up after the fallen pine needles..

2008 - This is the year we moved into the new place and also the year we lost Lucas. Definitely weren't in the mood to celebrate after such a devastating loss.
2009 - We lost Chloe  the following year, so we weren't in the mood for any celebration yet again, especially since after 2 consecutive losses within a year of each other. 
2010 - We lost yet another pregnancy in Nov, and life was at its bleakest and darkest at this stage... 3 consecutive losses in the same number of years. Celebrate?? Nahhh... Couldn't be further from it.
2011 - Little bun came into our lives and swept us all in a whirlwind of 'Bun-related activities". It was a year which we finally have a reason to celebrate, but we were so mesmerized and caught up with every 'goo' and 'gaaa' that he makes that we had no time for anything else.  
2012 - Mark finally went ahead and got the tree  that he so wanted (behind my back, if I may add) after promising me that he will clear up our store room so that we have space to keep the faux tree when the fun part is over.  

We spent a large part of Saturday afternoon setting up the tree (AFTER Mark cleared the store room of unwanted stuff) and I admit I had fun putting up the decorations together with him. Little bun took the 'supervisory role' and watched us from the safety of his play yard. I can't wait for next year when little bun will be able to be more involved in putting up the decorations together with me. I was totally knackered at the end of it and could barely straighten my back, but seeing the look of childish delight in my husband's eyes and the look of curiosity and bewilderment in my son's eyes at the blinking lights, it was so worth it. 

(Just not looking forward to having to take down all those decorations when the fun is over.. uhhhh..)


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