Sunday, June 17, 2012

Lucas Lee - 4th Year Anniversary

Today is Father's Day, it is also the 4th year anniversary of the day we bid goodbye to Lucas. Mixed feelings... Whenever I see a little boy that's around the age that Lucas would have been if he's here with us, I always wonder how my firstborn would look like. When I look at little bun, I wonder if he looks like his big brother. I wonder if Lucas would love his little brother. I imagine the scene of Lucas holding little bun in his arms with the joyful pride of a big brother.


Dearest Lucas,

It's been 4 long years already since you've gone, but somehow I can still sense your presence around me still. It's a strange feeling, but on some occasions when I am alone, I feel that I am not really 'alone'... I feel that you are around me and it gives me a calm, peaceful feeling knowing that you are with me and watching over me.

Your little brother is now sharing your room... we hope you don't mind. When he's bigger, I promise to teach him to keep it neat and tidy.  Yes, he does make a mess sometimes but mummy does try her best to neaten it up everytime after the 'tornado' hits. =)  I hope you like your little brother (despite the noise and mess that he creates!!). I know that you'd have made a #1 big brother to little bun and he'd love to have you as his big brother.

Still missing you dearly...

With all my love,
Mummy (& Daddy too)

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