Sunday, June 24, 2012

Last evening, we went to a gathering owith a group of friends and met up with a heavily pregnant friend whose baby is coincidentally due on Mark's birthday. This is their 2nd child and is a carefully timed pregnancy as they wanted a 'Dragon baby' (preferably a boy to boot). They have got what they wanted.. a Dragon boy.

It'll never fail to amaze me how people can plan to have a baby and then a baby materilizes right on cue. It's like creating a meeting request in Outlook. You set the date and time , type in the subject/ details and then viola... Quoting Guilian Rancic, some people 'sneeze and get pregnant". Like me, she is a woman struggling with fertility issues and bitter about all the other oh-so-fertile family/ friends out there who pop babies effortlessly. But then I think I am luckier than she is in many ways.. she's now battling breast cancer after finding out she had a miscarriage after her first IVF attempt. At least I already have my trophy in my arms (or not really.. he's actually napping beside me on the bed as I pound away on the keyboard).

So how/why can people fall pregnant so easily and breeze through pregnancy so effortlessly whilst others struggle so hard? And why do some people who do not want kids end up popping them one after another and them end up abusing/abandoning them, while others go through months and years of emotional and physical trauma plus spend a fortune on fertility treatments just to have one baby to call their own?

Well, ok it's a loooooong shot but certainly it won't hurt to try.. Ummm, here goes nothing. I'd really, really like a baby born in the year of the Snake please (for the record, that's next year). Nope, we have no gender preference. Just a healthy baby is all we ask for.

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