Monday, May 21, 2012

Home Is Where The Heart Is

I don't quite know how it happened and what posessed me to agree to it (I guess I could've been on a high from chocolates)... I will be going away on my first business trip since starting work last month. I thought I'd be able to avoid travelling at least for the rest of this year until little bun is bigger, but little did I know that it'd happen less than 2 months after I start (part-time) work!! Ok, on my 2nd week back at work, I managed to wriggle my way out of a long haul (heaven forbid!!) trip, so maybe this is a compromise on my part.
It's only going to be a short 4 day trip.. was supposed to be 5 days but I opted to fly back on the night after the meeting ends. It's going to be a mad dash to the airport in rush hour Bangkok traffic. Although I will only arrive at midnight and get home at an ungodly hour where little bun will most definitely be asleep, I'd rather be at home than anywhere else.

I am planning to continue to express my milk, freeze it and bring it home with me. Admittedly, it's a rather ambitious plan on my part but I just cannot bear to toss the 'liquid gold' into the sewers!! I will be bringing a small ice box with numerous ice packs with me. I need luck.. lots of it!! Hopefully I can bring them back in good condition.

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