Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Little Bun #2 is 22 Months Old!!

Latest addition to his growing vocab - "Fight, fight!" not too sure where he picked it up from but I am guessing it'd be from his brother whom he so adoringly idolizes. Now it's 'monkey see, monkey do'.. Den-den is imitating whatever his big brother does and it is a joy watching the 2 boys play together (when they are not fighting, that is). 

Unfortunately though, my poor little sunshine seems to be a bit jealous of his little sister and his behaviour seems to be a little 'off'.. not like his usually easy-going self. Frankly I feel really bad that he has got to make adjustments now that the baby is here. The most major change for him is he no longer gets to sleep with me (as I am sleeping with the baby so I can feed her at night) and has to sleep with Daddy and big bro. With baby's arrival, everyone's routine has to be adjusted and I'd say Den-den is the most affected.. from his bed time routine to his 1-1 time with me.

Hopefully he will adjust quickly to the new routine and go back to his usual cheerful and easy-going self. And I am praying hard that the tummy upset which had been bothering him for the past one over week clears up soon. I hate to see any of my kids unwell and I'd rather I be the sick one than them.

Happy 22 months, Den-den.. You don't ever have to feel insecure about your little sister because each one of you have got your own personal spot safely secured in my heart which no one can ever replace. Ah-mi (mommi) loves you to the moon and back!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

She is here!!

And here she is!! 

After a long (12 hour) and uneventful stay at the delivery ward, our little girl decided she wanted out. Things were going extremely slowly for the first 11 hours and I was getting rather impatient from lying there. Then all of a sudden, she decided it was time and things progressed REALLY fast. Dillation went from 6cm to 10cm within like 20min and my pain went from a score of 3 to like 9 in the same time span. Things were progressing so rapidly that the midwife wanted me to stop pushing or else the Dr Anu (who was on her way back to the hosiptal from home as it was around 10pm) may not make it in time. 

Fast forward the gory bits... Two mighty pushes later and she's out !! (Yup, I am getting better.. and IF I ever do get pregnant again, I think I can deliver the baby in just one single push BUT I don't think I will ever want to prove that theory.. Mark and I are perfectly contented where we are). And talk about making a grand entrance... our little girl gave Dr Anu and the 2 nurses a rather warm 'shower of blessing' immediately after she vacated that tiny space that was her home for the past 38 plus weeks. Oops...

Presenting to you the latest addition who joined our family just before 11pm on 08 Jan 2015. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

I don't believe my tummy has been stretched soooo much before and I don't know how it can possibly get any bigger beyond this. This is definitely the biggest I have ever stretched to in the 3 pregnancies although my total weight gain at 38 weeks (at the present moment) is around 7kg. Either this is a big baby or there is a lot of amniotic fluid. Walking/sitting/standing is causing discomfort and sometimes even pain. 

For the first time in all my pregnancies, I am waddling around and kind of looking forward to the time when this latest occupant residing inside my tummy will decide to evacuate the constraints of my tummy for more space outside. 

**counting the days till we meet our latest additon**.. Anytime now! (and still no name)

Monday, January 5, 2015

Counting down the days and Little Bun #3 still doesn't have a name.. We are totally clueless. Think it is about time Mark and I start to seriously think about it. 

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How did I manage to reach the last day of 2014 with my sanity still intact amazes me!!  **gives myself 2 pats on the back**. 

This has been one crazily hectic and chaotic year trying to keep the delicate balance between work and family (plus finding out that we are expecting #3 midway through the year). All along, I have read many articles giving much credit to full time stay at home moms and how much they go through/ have sacrificed, but I think (pregnant) full time working moms without household help should be given due credit too. Perhaps even more. Basically I have no personal/ alone time as the entire waking part of the day and all weekends are consumed either by work and/or family and/or housework. Sometimes during a rare quiet moment, Mark and I will hold hands and ponder 'how did we manage to do it?'. Honestly, I am really proud how much we have achieved and how far we have come.. and how I have not caved in to getting a helper despite Mark's constant talk about hiring domestic help. Much as I'd like more time to myself and be able to take a breather now and then, I enjoy every moment that I spend with the boys and I know they are growing up fast, so I want to be as invovled in their lives as I possibly can while they are still little (and before #3 comes along).

Every now and then, I may moan and groan about being tired and not getting enough sleep, but overall, 2014 has been a rewarding and fulfilling year for me. I wouldn't want to change this for anything else. Counting down excitedly for #3 to join our family... fingers crossed that labour will be smooth like the last 2 times and baby will be happy and healthy.

Happy 2015 from the Lee's... May the new year be more rewarding and fulfilling than the last one!!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

"Will you marry me, mommy?"

My darling little bun came home one night with a ballon flower and then got down on one knee and proposed to me!!! This is one of the sweetest things he's ever done and it brought tears to my eyes (was tickled by what he did and also touched at the same time). 

I am sure he has no idea what 'will you marry me?" means, but I am secretly happy that I am the first girl he 'proposed' to!! HAHAHAHA!!!

(This boy.. more romantic than his daddy for sure!).

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!!

This year's Christmas Day is very low-key and we spent it at home because my tummy has reached epic proportions. This is the biggest I have ever seen my tummy and I have barely reached 37 weeks/ full term! Sitting for too long is tough as there's pressure on my pelvic region, and walking/standing causes quite a bit of pain and discomfort. I have never felt this way during the times when I was pregnant with the boys.. in fact, I was very mobile right up till the day I delivered them. Everyone comments that my tummy is huge (I have witnessed stunned looks from strangers when they see my tummy.. seriously). Anyway, I am going to enjoy the last few days/weeks of being pregnant cos I am sure this will be the last pregnancy for me. 

Sadly (and unsurprisingly), the boys were in cahoots and did not cooperate when we tried to take a family picture to commemorate our last Christmas as a family of 4 (this was taken in late November when I was still mobile). We took numerous shots but apparently this one was the BEST one... I am not joking. Boys.. **sigh of resignation**

Monday, December 22, 2014

Looking wistfully every morning as his much loved and idolised big brother goes off to school leaving him behind for the next 4 hours (one'd think he'd enjoy this precious 4 hours of peace and also being the centre of attention as the only child.. but apparently not). Sometimes he cries when 'kor kor' (big brother) leaves the car and it'd take a while for me to settle him down and tell him that 'kor kor is in school'. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Little Bun is 38 Months Old!!

This boy... the love and also the nightmare of my life... When he is crabby, he makes me want to pull my hair (and his too) out. When he is in a good mood, he can be so utterly charming and lovable. Two extremes... 

He can now hold decent 'conversations' with us although we sometimes struggle to make out what he says cos he's been watching cartoons in ermmm.. Russian (Masha and the bear), Spanish (Dora) and God knows what else when we don't notice. 

Oh and I am having a MAJOR headache trying to get him to cut his hair. He avoids the hair salon like plague and no amount of negotiating, cajoling, cooercing, bribing, you name it - seems to work. 

Happy 38 months, little bun. I hope you will let us cut your hair soon. Please. 

My Cheeky Monkey!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Little Bun #2 is 21 Months Old!!

Little Master Sunshine is 21 months old!! I know I am his mom and my opinions are horribly biased, but this little boy is such a sweetheart.. super easy-going and sweet natured (i.e. totally the opposite of his big brother.. heheheh!!). Seriously I think all firstborns (excluding moi) are programmed to be spoiled and more self-centered with a more wary attitude in life whereas second borns usually are more mild tempered, easy-going and sensitive with a more adventurous and daring disposition. 

He can now say his own name (and point at his nose at the same time).. he calls me 'ah-mi' instead of 'mommi' and can now say Huskee and Hershey's names clearly. iPad is called 'ah-pad' and he can now name most of his favourite toys i.e. Elmo, car, ball, gun (sometimes also called 'bang bang'), etc. 

Happy 21 months to my Den-den boy!!! It's such a joy watching you grow up.. We love you heaps (yes, including that big brother whom you so lovingly idolise..).