Thursday, January 8, 2015

She is here!!

And here she is!! 

After a long (12 hour) and uneventful stay at the delivery ward, our little girl decided she wanted out. Things were going extremely slowly for the first 11 hours and I was getting rather impatient from lying there. Then all of a sudden, she decided it was time and things progressed REALLY fast. Dillation went from 6cm to 10cm within like 20min and my pain went from a score of 3 to like 9 in the same time span. Things were progressing so rapidly that the midwife wanted me to stop pushing or else the Dr Anu (who was on her way back to the hosiptal from home as it was around 10pm) may not make it in time. 

Fast forward the gory bits... Two mighty pushes later and she's out !! (Yup, I am getting better.. and IF I ever do get pregnant again, I think I can deliver the baby in just one single push BUT I don't think I will ever want to prove that theory.. Mark and I are perfectly contented where we are). And talk about making a grand entrance... our little girl gave Dr Anu and the 2 nurses a rather warm 'shower of blessing' immediately after she vacated that tiny space that was her home for the past 38 plus weeks. Oops...

Presenting to you the latest addition who joined our family just before 11pm on 08 Jan 2015. 

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