Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Little Bun #2 is 22 Months Old!!

Latest addition to his growing vocab - "Fight, fight!" not too sure where he picked it up from but I am guessing it'd be from his brother whom he so adoringly idolizes. Now it's 'monkey see, monkey do'.. Den-den is imitating whatever his big brother does and it is a joy watching the 2 boys play together (when they are not fighting, that is). 

Unfortunately though, my poor little sunshine seems to be a bit jealous of his little sister and his behaviour seems to be a little 'off'.. not like his usually easy-going self. Frankly I feel really bad that he has got to make adjustments now that the baby is here. The most major change for him is he no longer gets to sleep with me (as I am sleeping with the baby so I can feed her at night) and has to sleep with Daddy and big bro. With baby's arrival, everyone's routine has to be adjusted and I'd say Den-den is the most affected.. from his bed time routine to his 1-1 time with me.

Hopefully he will adjust quickly to the new routine and go back to his usual cheerful and easy-going self. And I am praying hard that the tummy upset which had been bothering him for the past one over week clears up soon. I hate to see any of my kids unwell and I'd rather I be the sick one than them.

Happy 22 months, Den-den.. You don't ever have to feel insecure about your little sister because each one of you have got your own personal spot safely secured in my heart which no one can ever replace. Ah-mi (mommi) loves you to the moon and back!

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