Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Little Bun is 37 Months Old!!

Happy 37 months to my cheeky monkey!!

To be entirely honest, you have not been the easiest kid and your temper tantrums can be legendary.. Your mood swings can be a nightmare too and the smallest trigger can transform you from a sweet angel to a scary monster (or vice versa). Everyone says it's because we (aka your parents) have spoiled you rotten (which we would like to politely disagree). The thing is you have all of us (parents, grandparents, relatives, teachers) wrapped around your little fingers.. you know which buttons to push and with who you can push them with.

You can be naughty/ cranky for 2 hours and when we are all at our wit's end and ready to throttle you, you will suddenly snap out of it and say or do the sweetest things that make those 2 nightmarish hours a distant memory. All will be quickly forgiven and you will be back to your sweet, angelic (and manipulative??) self. 

Angel or devil, we are so glad you came into our lives and turned it upside down. You definitely make your presence felt no matter where you go!  You never fail to surprise us with the things you learn and every moment with you is such a joy (*Exclusion clause: excluding temper tantrum episodes*).

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