Monday, August 18, 2014

Little Bun is 34 Months Old!!

2 more months to go before little bun turns (OMG!!) - THREE years old! Where did all the time go? He is now a chatterbox and chattering away non-stop, either to us, to his toys, to himself (uh huh), to Den-den, to Hershey, etc.. I guess he is at the age where he is learning things so fast by watching and then picking up the things we say/ do.

**Knocking on wood**.. his temper tantrums are getting better (shorter duration, easier to snap him out of them and fewer and far between). Praying hard that we are now almost over and done with with  the 'Terrible Twos' phase. I always thought that 'terrible twos' are a myth, but now I am a beliver. (Geeez.. we a few more months to go before Den-den enters his 'Terrible Twos'!) Hoping that at least when Den-den enters his 'Terrible Twos', little bun will be in his 'Terrific Threes' (ok I made that up.. I can dream, can't I?).

Little bun is also getting very generous with his hugs and kisses to me.. whenever I ask for a hug or a kiss from him, he'd usually (unless distracted by something that is more interesting than his mother) run over to me from wherever he is and give me a big embrace. These are the moments that I live for, and these are the moments that make everything else seem insignificant. 

Mommy love you heaps, little bun.. 

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