Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Little Bun #2 is 17 Months Old!!

Mommy's little sidekick is 17 months!! His latest hobby is clinging to my leg and 'pole dancing' when I am least expecting it, eg. like when I am standing in front of the stove making their lunches, or when I am vacumning the house. Makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time cos I'd have to end up dragging 12kg around the house with me until he decides that he's had enough or when something else more interesting distracts him. 

He is developing his own character and will now stand firm on what he wants.. this also means that fight for toys between him and little bun are getting more frequent.They used to fight over the iPad until I gave up my iPad mini to them.. so between the 2 boys, they have a grand total of FIVE iPads. 2 at home, 2 at grandma's daycare and 1 in the car. I hope the know how lucky they are.. 

Den-den's favourite cartoon character is still Elmo (little bun's was Barney at this age).. he loves to snack (like his mommy!!) and is still such an eaaaaaaaaaasssssy kid to take care of. His current favourite activity is following his big brother around the house and copying whatever big brother is doing (which is NOT such a good thing sometimes). These 2 will be a force to reckon with when they get bigger.. We are so totally blessed he is in our lives and part of our growing family! 

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