Thursday, August 7, 2014

Den-den looking all boyish and grown-up after his recent hair cut. Not that he needed a haircut, his brother needed it a lot more (if little bun's hair grew any longer, people will start thinking he's a girl). However, when my mom brought both boys to the salon (with the intention of getting little bun's hair cut), the sly big brother refused to step into the salon and dragged my mom away to the nearby playground. 

So the poor little brother ended up being the 'victim'. He happily went along with it, with nary a whimper for the entire duration. Cannot believe HOW DIFFERENT it was the last time we cut little bun's hair!! He screamed and cried throughout the process.. it was traumatic for everyone involved. And now look at what a breeze it is to cut Den-den's hair! Both from the same 'factory' but as different as can be.. I don't get it!!

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