Friday, January 3, 2014

Looking at myself in the first 2 photos was totally depressing.. it may not be very obvious here but when I saw the photos on my phone, I almost fell off my chair in shock. I HAVE crows feet below my eyes.. yes.. at the ripe old age of 36!! It is darn freaking bad. Not kidding.

Of late, my dearest hubby had also making casual remarks that I need to take better care of myself, blah blah blah.. 6 weeks ago, he even bought me an expensive bottle of serum thingy for my face. (I think back then he was trying to be diplomatic about it, possibly his way of hinting to me..)

Ayden: "Oh noooo.. My mommy has crows feet!!"

On a separate note, my baby is looking all grown up. WHY do they grow up so fast? (He's wearing a hand-me-down from little bun.. getting a lot of wear out of the clothes!)

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