Saturday, January 18, 2014

Little Bun is 27 Months Old!!

To (sort of) celebrate little bun's 27th month, we made a trip to the beach!! Hard to believe but I think this is only the 2nd time we brought him to the beach (the 1st time he was too little to know what was happening). 

It started off innocently enough. Initially I thought we'd have breakfast followed by a leisurely stroll along the park which overlooks the beach. Then one thing led to another.. I found little bun and myself ON the beach (we were not geared up correctly for it.. I was wearing my Salvatore Ferragamo sandals and little bun was wearing track pants, non waterproof sandals and without his swimming diapers on).

The weather was wonderful that morning.. cool and breezy.

Happy bun running along the beach..

.. without forgetting to turn back to check that I am there behind him

Then he wandered further and further into the water until his shoes and pants got really wet (and sandy) so we decided to take them off.. What the heck right? The happy and excited look on his face is priceless.. 

Not forgetting Den-den and daddy who were observing us from a safe distance away without getting their feet wet.

I'd say it certainly pays to always make sure you carry a spare set of clothing and diapers with you no matter where you go when you have young kids!!

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