Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Little bun ordering his own breakkie.. not! Or at least not for a while more. He is  mimicking us... for now he's still 'stuck' with cereal/ oats with mixed fruits that I prepare and bring from home. Mark and I found a new haunt at Dome Cafe Dempsey Hill that we go almost every weekend for our family breakfast. It's a nice, family friendly (read: screaming kids are a norm) environment with good food at a reasonable price. In fact, we had a breakkie date with our neighbours and their little girl, Faith, two weekends ago. Faith is 4 months older than little bun and they have had a few short play dates already. It was 'fun' having a meal and trying to hold a conversation with 2 toddlers in tow. 

We agreed to go for a hotpot dinner sometime soon.. it'd be very interesting to see how that turns out! Watch this space...

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