Saturday, July 14, 2012

Life's a Beach

We had dinner at East Coast and after that we decided to go for an impromptu stroll along the beach. It was cut short prematurely cos 1) we had eaten way too much for our own good and our buldging stomachs were too heavy to lug around  2) there were too many people cycling.. this is not a 'problem' per se... the real problem is that the cyclists of all ages are going in all directions and making it a hazard for pedestrians (like moi) to take a leisurely stroll  3) there were too many people blading with their in-line skates. It was frustrating trying to enjoy the scenery and having to lookout for cyclists/ skaters to avoid a collision.

**start of whine** I really miss the white sandy beaches in Australia.. especially St Kilda beach with its weekend markets, beachside restaurants and fine white sand.. How come sand on our beaches here is so coarse?!! It's rather sad that the view from our beach consists of big tankers with cargo containers stacked high. So much for trying to gaze into the non-existent horizon. Singapore beaches are also horribly overcrowded (just like it's shopping malls, public transport,etc). It's hard to find a quiet spot spend some quality time with my boys (boys = Mark and little bun) because there are people everywhere!!!   **end of whine**

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