Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Came across this article in the newspaper on the pros of using a baby carrier instead of a stroller. 

In a way, I am glad that we have been using our Baby Bjorn baby carrier to carry little bun all these while. I think it is the single BEST item that Mark and I have invested in... the rather expensive stroller which we got for little bun is like a white elephant now. The baby carrier is much better for the following reasons: 

1) With the baby carrier, I can hold onto little bun and keep an eye on what he is doing.. (I also have this irrational worry that someone will run away with my stroller with little bun inside if I turn my back away for a second!! LOL!!)

2) Using a stroller can be very cumbersome. Just try going up/down an escalator or manoeuvring your way in a crowded mall/ restaurant without rolling over anyone's toes.

3) We won't get dirty stares when we take a lift 

Glad to know that in addition to the above, there's another advantage of using a baby carrier.. apparently it helps to build the bond with the baby and this makes them more secure/confident later in life. Don't know how true this is but oh well... no harm since we are already doing it.

The only downside is this poor momma has achy shoulders as little bun gradually becomes a 'not-so-little' little bun. 

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