Friday, September 5, 2014

This beautiful poem appeared on my Facebook feed this morning, and I promptly 'shared' it on my own page. The font is a bit small, but you can read it here. It's like someone knocking me hard in the head, reminding me not to take things for granted.  

One day, my kids will suddenly stop doing all these things with me/ us.. I complain that Den-den fondles my thumbs to sleep and the awkward position that I am in always give me a sore shoulder/ neck in the morning. But one day, I am sure not too long in the future, he will suddenly grow out of this 'annoying' habit and that time, I will think back and realize just how sweet that is. One day little bun will stop running towards me at full speed with a grin on his face while shouting out 'Mommmmmmmyyyyy!!' and then throw himself into my wide open arms. 

And this is for you, Mark - One day, little bun will learn to play games on the iPad without your help and you will miss how he will cuddle close to you and watch you play while chanting 'Again! Again!'. One day, when you hear the song 'Wheels on the Bus', you will think back fondly at the cute way Den-den waddles his bum and 'dances' to the song. One day, you will look back and miss how they take turns to poop just before bedtime and you have to wash their stinky bums. One day, you will miss how you used to play 'Police and Thief' (or fondly called the 'Bang Bang' game) with the boys and how they squeal with delight and excitment. 

So stop complaining and start cherishing every single moment before it becomes a memory.

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